PVC Hook-up Wire
We distribute insulated plastic, rubber, or single-conductor hook-up wire and lead wire designed for consistent and reliable performance. Our products are of high quality and built to comply rigidly with industry standards.
We distribute insulated plastic, rubber, or single-conductor hook-up wire and lead wire designed for consistent and reliable performance. Our products are of high quality and built to comply rigidly with industry standards.
PVC hook-up and lead wire is used for the internal wiring of appliances, electronics, electrical equipment, panels and meters. Tevelec can provide virtually every grade and gauge of PVC Hookup and lead wire for your wiring application.
Hookup and lead wire can be found in virtually every electrical application and electronic product. Tevelec’s range of high voltage PVC hookup and lead wire meets ULVW-1 Vertical Flame Test and is approved for use in a large range of temperatures and conditions.
Tevelec’s selection of PVC Hookup and Lead Wire includes:
For more information on which type of PVC Hookup and Lead wire is appropriate for your installation, please contact your Tevelec sales representative.
To get more information call us at 905-624-5241 or to receive a Free Quote